Avocados. There is a poisonous toxin in avos called persin which can be dangerous for pets, although I have known some dogs who cannot resist them and have survived. The pip is, in a way, more dangerous as they can cause blockages. and endless problems, when ingested.
Cherries. Although access to these precious, expensive little red globes is unlikely to be available to your canine family members, bear in mind that cherries contain cyanide, which, taken in great quantities, is bad.
Grapes. These should be kept well away from animals. They  are seriously poisonous and can cause rapid kidney failure in dogs. Raisins too, of course.
Figs. Figs are not too serious for most dogs if they only eat one or two in a week or so, but some of them have a serious allergic reaction to them. Worth knowing, I’d say, if you have a fig tree in your garden.
Apple cores. These also contain cyanide, like cores and pips of peaches and pears too. Eating them can result in breathing problems and seizures. Conversely the flesh of apples, in moderation, is good for dogs as are bananas, kiwis, blueberries, strawberries and pineapples.